My virtual tour of famed rice wine brewery and lesson (Jul 9, 2021)
4 Honorary Reporters share how they became friends (Mar 16, 2021)
In collaboration with Dana Tugambekova, Isabella Pia Sison, and Fitri Amalia.
New poetry format helps Indonesians weather COVID-19 (Jul 16, 2020)
KCC Indonesia holds online event amid COVID-19 outbreak (Apr 16, 2020)
My letter to Korea's beautiful cherry blossoms (Apr 10, 2020)
KCC in Indonesia holds class on Jindo drum dance (Feb 19, 2020)
My 3-year journey as a honorary reporter (Feb 11, 2020)
4 Honorary Reporters pick their favorite places to visit in Busan (Dec 18, 2019)
Installation artist Kang Eun-hye visits Korean Embassy in Jakarta (Dec 16, 2019)
In collaboration with Magdalena Khrisnawati, honoray reporter from Indonesia
Brightening my visit to Busan through Haeundae lighting festival (Dec 12, 2019)
Lesson learned and impressions of ASEAN-KOREA Summit in Busan (Dec 4, 2019)
In collaboration with Fitri Amalia, honorary reporter from Indonesia
1st Korea-Indonesia Conference discuss bilateral ties and cooperation (Oct 4, 2019)
Indonesia marks centennial anniversary of March First Independence Movement (Mar 28, 2019)
Minister Do Jong-hwan visit Jakarta and his poem (Oct 24, 2018)
in collaboration with Stephanie Pradnyaparamita, honorary reporter from Indonesia
South and North Korea cheer together at the 2018 Asian Para Games (Oct 19, 2018)
Korean peace parade comes to Jakarta (Sep 21, 2018)
Friendship park in Surabaya marks Korea – Indonesia ties (May 17, 2018)
Pyeongchang Olympics: a historical, cultural moment (Feb 23, 2018)
Korea in Indonesia: Before and After Hallyu (Jan 24, 2017)
KOREA.NET ( adalah situs resmi dari Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) yang berada di bawah Kementerian Budaya, Olahraga dan Pariwisata Korea. Website yang diluncurkan pada bulan Desember 1995 ini berperan sebagai sebuah platform online yang mewakili suara dari pemerintah Korea dan mempromosikan Korea. Klik disini untuk membaca detail ( is an official website owned by the Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST). This website was launched in December 1995 as an online platform to represents the Korean government's voice and promotes Korea globally. Click here for details.
Pada tahun 2011, meluncurkan program honorary reporters yang memberikan kesempatan bagi pecinta Korea di seluruh dunia untuk turut mengambil bagian dalam mempromosikan Korea lewat konten-konten seperti artikel, foto, video, ilustrasi ataupun webtoon. Honorary Reporters direkrut setiap tahun dan jumlah anggotanya semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Saya bergabung dengan program ini pada tahun 2017 dan berkat program ini saya mendapatkan banyak pengalaman sangat menarik, salah satunya turut serta meliput langsung KTT ASEAN-KOREA tahun 2019 di Busan.
Baca selengkapnya tentang perjalanan saya bersama honorary reporters di sini.
In 2011, launched its honorary reporters program that give opportunity to the Korean lovers all around the world to take part in promoting Korea through contents like article, photo, video, ilustration, or webtoon. The honorary reporters are recruited every year and its members are increasing year by year. I joined them in 2017 and from that time I've got many interesting experiences thanks to this program. Click here to know more about my journey with Honorary Reporters.
As of 2020, there are 2154 honorary reporters from 104 countries in the world.
Honorary Reporters works are published at least in one platform, all works posted on the Talk Talk Korea website and only selected works posted on the website under NEWS FOCUS – HONORARY REPORTERS part.